Monday, January 17, 2011

Yoga books

The Language of Yoga by Nicolai Bachman

I bought this book when I started getting serious about my Yoga practice. I had one instructor who regularly used both Sanskrit and English names for poses, and I wanted to get better at knowing what she was cueing when she used Sanskrit. It's a very helpful book, with CDS that offer pronunciation guides.

Living Yoga by Christy Turlington

This book was recommended to me by my favorite Yoga instructor as a good read for someone who wants to understand how to make Yoga a daily part of life.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

Gilbert's autobiography-ish book is more than just Yoga, but it's a huge part of her self-discovery. She almost makes me want to visit an Ashram and go hardcore... but I don't think I could handle sitting crosslegged for that long.

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