Thursday, March 16, 2017

Self-Practice Journal, Week 9

For one of my RYT classes this semester, I'm required to keep a weekly self-practice journal. This is for yoga practices I do on my own, not guided in a studio, gym, or via video. Each week I'll have a post that details at least three of my self-practices.

Week 9
Practice 1
Date: March 11, 2-3p
Intention: Practice for leading a group of runners next week. Aim to challenge them physically, but to also help them slow down.
Content: Standing warm up- Half sun salutes (5x, progressively opening the front of the shoulders), chair with leg raises to roll the ankles, chair with bow and arrow, sunflower side-to-side lunges (6x each)
Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar)
Goddess Pose
Star Pose
Warrior II
Side Angle
Low lunge
Wide-Legged Forward Fold
Wide-Legged Forward Fold
Low lunge
Side Angle
Warrior II
Star Pose
Goddess Pose
(Repeat 3 times with progression)
Static side lunges
Half-Monkey stretch, lizard, sage twist, prone T-arm stretch, prone half-knot arm stretch, supine spinal rolls, pelvic tilts (with invitation to try bridge), happy baby, knee rolls over the chest, supine pigeon
Reflection: This practice feels like it can help a group of athletes slow down and check in with their bodies. I want to show a few variations for the lunges so they can be aware of their knees and hips and still feel successful even if they're feeling tight in those areas. Holding the poses for more breaths will be challenging on different levels, and will give them a chance to find the best version of the pose for them. I think there are a number of poses that will help open their hips and shoulders to counteract the posture they may assume when running. And hopefully the stretches will speak to their hamstrings and calves in a positive way. I'll be teaching this the day after the full moon, so I think it's fun to do Chandra Namaskar and go with that theme.

Practice 2
Date: March 13, 1-2p
Intention: Practice for teaching at LocalYOGA, and create a sequence for all-levels.
Content: Standing warm up- Half sun salutes, chair with leg lifts for ankle rolls, forward fold, chair with bow and arrow, forward fold with supported twist (hand on block), sunflower with lunges.
Moon Salutation
Standing baby back bend
Forward fold
Low lunge left
Revolved lunge
Downward Dog
Baby Cobra
Downward Dog
Low lunge right
Revolved lunge
Forward fold
Standing baby backbend
(Repeat 4x, progressively)
Thread the needle, prone T-arm stretch, child's pose, supine rolls, legs-up-the-wall, happy baby, supine spinal twists
Reflection: Using the blocks, I think this will be a very accessible practice. The pace will be slow since that's still something I'm focusing on lately.

Practice 3
Date: March 16 7-7:15p
Intention: Practice truthfulness/satya (I'm only practicing after a long day because I need one more for this log!)
Content: Seated warm up- neck rolls, gentle seated twists, seated forward fold with knees bent, wrist rolls, ankle rolls, cat-cow with leg extensions to stretch calves, cat-cow with lateral bends, child's pose to kneeling plank (repeat 4x), downward facing dog (pedaling the feet).
Supported side plank left, gate pose
Downward facing dog
Supported side plank right, gate pose
Downward facing dog
Child's pose, kneeling to stretch wrists (palms and backs of hands to mat, alternately), shoulder rolls, supine rolls, supine spinal twists
Reflection: I didn't want to practice, but I'm glad I did it anyway. I felt less grumpy and a little more energized so I could spend time with my husband after he put the kids to bed. WORTH IT!

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