Thursday, March 9, 2017

Self-Practice Journal, Week 8

For one of my RYT classes this semester, I'm required to keep a weekly self-practice journal. This is for yoga practices I do on my own, not guided in a studio, gym, or via video. Each week I'll have a post that details at least three of my self-practices.

Practice 1
Date: March 6, 9-10p
Intention: Non-stealing
Content: Half-salutes 4x, standing lateral bends, star to goddess 8x, goddess with lateral bend, wide leg forward fold, folded lateral stretch.
Lunge left
Lunge right
Downdog, plank, cobra, child's pose
Supported side plank, L & R
Downdog, plank, cobra, child's pose
Lunge left
Lunge right
Wide leg forward fold, wide leg downward dog
Repeat 3x
Child's pose, thread the needle, prone shoulder opener, fish pose with blanket under the spine for support, spinal twists, happy baby.
Reflection: I'm trying to focus on not going too quickly. I want to give each pose an appropriate amount of breath. I'm getting better at mentally counting to remind myself to keep inhales and exhales even.

Practice 2
Date: March 8, 9-9:30p
Intention: Non-stealing
Content: Child's pose to cat-cow (repeat 5x), chair to forward fold (repeat 5x)
Chair, lunge left and fold over left (lunging leg) 5x
Revolved lunge
Chair, lunge right and fold over right leg (lunging leg) 5x
Revolved lunge
Downdog, three-legged dog, three-legged plank (2x), three-legged plank crossing opposite knee to elbow (2x)
Child's pose, thread the needle, pigeon, legs-up-the-wall, knees-wide supine twists, bound angle pose.
Reflection: Moving at a slower is getting a little easier as I've focused on it the past few weeks. I don't always have to consciously count in my head to ensure my breathing is slow and steady. Hopefully this will lead to different experiences when I'm in a pose longer than I'm used to.

Practice 3
Date: March 9, 4-4:20p
Intention: Non-stealing
Content: Standing lateral bends, half-salutes 9 (5x)
Surya Namaskar A (5x)
Surya Namaskar B (5x)
Child's pose, thread the needle, Half-lord of the fishes pose, legs-up-the-wall pose, happy baby, wide-leg supine spinal twists.
Reflection: Today I needed to focus on the counts of my breath to ensure I didn't rush. With a familiar sequence like Salutations, it can be easy for me to fall back into old habits. But I didn't want to take away from the benefits of the poses by rushing through them.

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