Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Self-Practice Journal, Week 6

For one of my RYT classes this semester, I'm required to keep a weekly self-practice journal. This is for yoga practices I do on my own, not guided in a studio, gym, or via video. Each week I'll have a post that details at least three of my self-practices.

Week 6
Practice 1
Date: February 19, 9-9:45p
Intention: Move with the breath, but slowly.
Content: Seated warm up- raise the arms with breath, neck rolls, arm circles, lateral stretch.
Cat-cow, cat-cow with leg extension, supported side plank, gate pose, Downward Dog, Hero's pose for wrist rolls and shoulder rolls. Child's pose.
Forward fold
Half-Salutes (3x)
Sun Salutation A (4x)
Sun Salutation B (2x)
Warrior II (with lifts on the inhale)
Reverse Warrior to Side Angle (4x)
Forward Fold
Repeat other side
Tree Pose
Bound Angle Pose
Sage Twist
Half-Lord of the Fishes
Staff Pose
Spinal rolls
Supine twists
Legs to chest, circle knees and hips
Supine Bound Angle Pose
Reflection: I know I usually breathe too quickly (and shallowly) when I practice on my own. So I created a sequence that asks me to move with my inhale and exhale to make me more aware. If I was zipping through it, I knew I wasn't breathing deeply enough. If I felt like I was deliberately moving between poses, I knew I was breathing deeper and slower. It was a good exercise in mindfulness.

Practice 2
Date: February 21, 11-11:50a
Intention: Slow the breath and hold poses for a number of counts.
Content: Seated warm up- raise the arms with breath, neck rolls, wrist rolls, lateral bends.
Cat-cow, cat-cow with leg extensions. Child's pose.
Forward Fold
Sun Salutation A
Sun Salutation B
Warrior II
Reverse Warrior
Side Angle
Forward Fold
Lunge Left
Warrior II Left
Reverse Warrior Left
Side Angle Left
Forward Fold
Tree Pose
Bound Angle Pose
Sage Twist
Half-Lord of the Fishes
Staff Pose
Spinal rolls
Supine twists
Legs to chest, circle knees and hips
Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose (each side)
Supine Bound Angle Pose
Happy Baby Pose
Reflection: For this practice I wanted to remember to breathe more slowly, and to hold poses for 4-5 breaths. I felt good about my earlier practice of moving slowly from one pose to the next (with inhale and exhale) so my challenge was to breathe more deeply without moving and linking with poses. I benefit from making myself hold still. I benefit from reminding myself to breath "into the belly" when I usually just breathe into my chest.

Practice 3
Date:February 22, 9:35p-10:15p
Intention: Prep for supported headstand
Content: Half-Salutes (4x), Chair, Standing Bow and Arrow (4x each side), standing lateral bends, Star Pose to Goddess Pose (8x), Wide-Legged-Forward Bend with lateral stretch each side. Lunge left and right, followed by Downward Facing Dog.
Child's Pose
Kneeling Plank
Supported Side Plank, Left and Right
Downward Facing Dog
Child's Pose
Side Plank, Left and Right
Downward Facing Dog
Revolved Lunge, Left and Right
Wide-Legged-Forward Bend to Wide-Legged-Downward Facing Dog
Prep for supported headstand- pad the mat with a folded blanket, cradle the head, place the elbows (using couch behind me for additional support).
Child's Pose
Thread the Needle, and prone shoulder opener
Fish Pose on blankets
Spinal twists
Happy Baby
Savasana with blankets to open the heart
Reflection: I enjoyed doing a flow, and then workshopping a little with the supported headstand prep we learned in class recently.

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