Week 15
Practice 1
Date: April 21, 7:30-8:00p
Intention: Non-stealing (use props)
Content: Tadasana, swan dives, chair with bow and arrow (5x), Surya Namaskar (3x)
Downward dog, lunge over right, Virabhadrasana II, Trikonasana, Wide-Legged Forward Fold, Fold at the top of the mat, Tadasana, Standing Pigeon/Figure-four Standing balance, Malasana, Navasana, Roll to fold at the top of the mat, Tadasana (repeat opposite side).
Tree pose (both sides)
Forward fold, Downward Dog, lower to Pigeon, Lizard
Supine spinal rolls, supine hand-to-big-toe pose, Supta Baddha Konasana, Figure-four/supine pigeon legs for spinal twist, happy baby.
Reflection: Lots of release in the hips from this practice. Also fun to use props in poses when I usually neglect to (like Trikonasana, Malasana, Navasana). My alignment improves when I don't force a pose simply because I'm flexible.Practice 2
Date: April 24, 3-4p
Intention: Arm Balance
Content: Seated warm up, neck rolls, shoulder rolls, wrist rolls, hip rolls, seated forward fold, cat/cow/child's post, cat/cow/downward facing dog. Plank, curl left knee under torso to left, then middle, the right. Plank, curl right knee under torso to right, then middle, then left.
Surya Namaska A (3x)
Goddess, Warrior II, Plank, Chaturanga, Updog, Downdog (repeat on other side)
Malasana on block
Navasana with variations (twists, leg extensions)
Baddha Konasana
Half-lotus legs for Tolasana, with blocks under hands
Janu Shirsasana (both sides)
Gomukhasana (both sides), Lizard, prone arm stretch, Supta Baddha Konasana (on pillows), Ananda Balasana, Supine pigeon.
Reflection: The studio where I'm teaching sets a monthly area of focus. April was arm balances and inversions. This gives me an opportunity to be extremely thoughtful with my lesson planning, and this is what I came up with for a class this month. I like the accessibility of Tolasana when done with different leg positions, and with blocks for elevation. Usually when I think of arm balances I think of inversions as well, so doing a little study before preparing this lesson brought me to Tolasana, a pose I don't usually incorporate in my practice. It was a great reminder of what else is out there.
Practice 3
Date: April 25, 7:30-8:30p
Intention: Arm Balance
Content: Seated warm up, neck rolls, shoulder rolls, wrist rolls, hip rolls, seated forward fold, cat/cow/child's post, cat/cow/downward facing dog. Plank, curl left knee under torso to left, then middle, the right. Plank, curl right knee under torso to right, then middle, then left.
Surya Namaska A (3x)
Goddess, Warrior II, Plank, Chaturanga, Updog, Downdog (repeat on other side)
Malasana on block
Navasana with variations (twists, leg extensions)
Baddha Konasana
Half-lotus legs for Tolasana, with blocks under hands
Janu Shirsasana (both sides)
Gomukhasana (both sides), Lizard, prone arm stretch, Supta Baddha Konasana (on pillows), Ananda Balasana, Supine pigeon.
Reflection: This time I was able to enjoy this practice without using it as prep for teaching. I enjoyed the overall theme of balancing (did tip toes in Goddess, balanced in Navasana, etc...) that led up to the arm balance.