Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Self-Practice Journal, Week 4

For one of my RYT classes this semester, I'm required to keep a weekly self-practice journal. This is for yoga practices I do on my own, not guided in a studio, gym, or via video. Each week I'll have a post that details at least three of my self-practices.

Week 1
Practice 1
Date: February 4 10a-11a
Intention: Practice for teaching later today
Content: Moon Salutation // Chandra Namaskar
Warm Up: seated intention setting, neck rolls, gather the breath, wrist rolls, cat-cow, leg extensions and curls under the torso, Downward Facing Dog.
Standing Crescent Moon
Goddess Pose // Utkata Konasana
Star Pose // Utthita Tadasana
Side Angle Pose // Parsvakonasana
Standing Wide Legged Forward Bend // Prasarita Padottanasana
Side Angle Pose // Parsvakonasana
Star Pose // Utthita Tadasana
Goddess Pose // Utkata Konasana
Standing Crescent Moon
Repeat 2x, 3-4 breaths per pose. On 3rd time through, bring some movement, transitioning from Goddess to Star, and adding Sunflower Pose. Rotate torso down and up in Side Angle Pose, floating the arm toward the floor and then the sky.
Cool Down:
Seated twists
Fire log
Seated Bound Angle Pose // Baddha Konasana
Prone knot arms
Prone shoulder opener
Supine spinal rolls
Supine twists
Reflection: This was a nice, restorative practice for me, and perfect for babying the cold I've been suffering from. It was still invigorating, but without too much stress on the body.

Practice 2
Date: February 6, 9:30p-10p
Intention: Calm before going to sleep
Content: Moon Salutation // Chandra Namaskar
Warm Up: seated intention setting, neck rolls, gather the breath, wrist rolls, cat-cow, leg extensions and curls under the torso, Downward Facing Dog.
Standing Crescent Moon
Goddess Pose // Utkata Konasana
Star Pose // Utthita Tadasana
Side Angle Pose // Parsvakonasana
Standing Wide Legged Forward Bend // Prasarita Padottanasana
Side Angle Pose // Parsvakonasana
Star Pose // Utthita Tadasana
Goddess Pose // Utkata Konasana
Standing Crescent Moon
Repeat 2x, 3-4 breaths per pose.
Cool Down:
Bound Angle Pose // Baddha Konasana
Seated twists
Supine twists
Happy Baby // Ananda Balasana
Reflection: I enjoyed going through this practice again and taking it slow and steady. I didn't add dynamic movement into the salutations this time since I was doing it before bed. I took it a little slower and went through it less times just to take it easy on my body since I'm still feeling pretty sick.

Practice 3
Date: February 8, 8:30p-9p
Intention: Slow the breath; focus on moving with it dynamically, but giving each pose 3-4 full breaths after the warm up.
Content: Standing Warm Up: Tadasana, Standing Crescent Moon, Chair pose (in and out with inhale/exhale), Forward Bend, Twisted Forward Bend (side to side with inhale/exhale), Plank, Kneeling Plank, move through Child's Pose to Cat, arching back for Cow to Child's Pose, Downward Dog.
Warrior I // Virabhadrasana I
Warrior II // Virabhadrasana II
Reverse Warrior // Viparita Virabhadrasana
Downward Facing Dog // Adho Mukha Svanasana
other side
Warrior I
Warrior II
Reverse Warrior
Repeat another time on each side after Sun Salutation // Surya Namaskar
Chair // Utkatasana
Squat // Malasana
Crow Pose // Bakasana
High Plank // Chaturanga
Low Plank // Chaturanga Dandasana
Cobra // Bhujangasana
Child's Pose // Balasana
Cool Down: Cow Face Pose // Gomukhasana
Seated Twist // Ardha Matsyendrasana
Spinal Rolls
Happy Baby // Ananda Balasana
Supine spinal twist // Supta Matsyendrasana
Reflection: I tend to take shallow breaths going about my day-to-day, and I'm trying to train myself to deliberately deepen my breathing. In my practice, I rush too often and I'd like to be better about holding poses for longer periods of time. This practice gave me a chance to go slowly, especially since I only planned to do a few staples on each side.

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